A story of hope
My name is Karen Siler. I’m a mother of five and my oldest son, Ryan, has autism. Along with my loving husband of 27 years, I have taken care of our children, as well as my brother Michael who was born with Down Syndrome.
There are many challenges you face when caring for individuals with developmental disabilities. Like wanting them to have a level of independence and enjoy a meaningful quality of life, while also getting the support they need to thrive. It’s a delicate balance.
Karen’s Hope was created to help change that. With innovative ideas and a unique approach to independent living, we help individuals with developmental disabilities come together and live under one roof, while also getting the support they need through critical educational and social programs. The homes that will be part of Karen’s Hope will allow up to four people to live comfortably and be equipped to address individual needs.
A step toward independence is a huge leap toward a fuller, more productive life.
Thank you for your love, compassion and support.
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
― Mother Teresa